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Workshop: A Pace of Grace

Let go of the "FOG" of fatigue, overwhelm, and guilt. 

How are you, really? Have the demands of life exceeded your energy? Are you needing some time and tools to reconnect with yourself to rejuvenate your spirit? Are you seeking even a moment of quiet reflection or solitude during these stressful times?

A 'Pace of Grace' helps you get a sense of self control and is an opportunity to let go of the “FOG” of fatigue, overwhelm and guilt and reclaim your power to thrive.

We hope you will join us for this 3-hour online 'retreat' to learn to set limits that you, and everyone around you, can live with...to be a better colleague, partner, parent and friend without losing yourself in the process. Discern when you are being driven by your ego or lead by your soul. 

This experience is based on the book A Pace of Grace by Linda Kavelin Popov, which contains a four-part program to help us live our best, most grace-filled life:

  1. Purify Your Life by practicing 10 Rules for Health. Replace the Internal Critic with a Gentle Observer. Overcome the needless pain and negativity in the “Troubled C’s” of relationships – Criticism, Control, Contempt and Contention with the healing virtues of Assertiveness, Acceptance, and Appreciation.
  2. Pace Yourself by slowing down to the pace of grace. Pause for Applause when you finish a project or reach a turning point.  Structure your life gracefully and consciously rather than reacting to the endless demands others place on you.
  3. Practice the Presence through honoring your spiritual needs every day. Embrace the RPMS of a routine of reverence, which include reading, prayer, meditation and service. Be the presence of grace to others through daily acts of kindness and the Art of Companioning – listening from the heart.
  4. Plan a Sustainable Life by discerning “What is Your Yes?”  Put Your First Passion First, placing joy and meaning at the center of your life.  Organize and prioritize your day, your month, and your year to balance mind, body and spirit. Find your true calling and do what gives you joy and makes a difference in the world.
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